Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Anzac logos

One of the Anzac activities this week was to design a new Anzac logo. These are 5 of the best and they are fantastic!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Our Anzac triumph

Today we made the Anzac's favourite biscuit sent to them from mum's and sister's during the war. We loved making them and they looked and smelled delicious while they were baking!
We got to have a couple each and they tasted even better!
(A special thank you to Mrs Collie for helping us) 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A day in the trenches

Working hard in the trenches.

There are 30 children in here!

Eating some of the daily rations . 

Keeping an eye o the Turks.

Today we spent the day in the trenches in Room 22. We built them in the morning and spent the day underneath doing our Anzac activities. Even Benny (Platoon 22's mascot) joined in on the action in his very own trench Sergeant Reid took us out to march in formation as the day wore on then we were back in the hot and sticky trenches. We ate our morning tea in the trenches and some of us tried to get a day sleep in. (Benny the cat is very good at day sleeps!) We even had realistic WW1 noises going on all around us and we had to keep low or risk losing our head.
Afterwards we decided that while it was cool fun for part of a day we didn't think it would be for long. It was hot, cramped, overwhelming and the noise made us lose concentration.
We think the men who had to survive in these must have been very brave and we know we hope that nothing like it ever happens again.
We will remember them!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Our field of remembrance

This year marks the 100 year anniversary of WW1 and the battles that took place at Gallipoli. We have been learning about the men and women who wanted to keep New Zealand safe and went to the other side of the world to protect us. Many of our brave soldiers and nurses never came home and we honour their memory. Outside our school hall we have a small field of crosses set up to help us to never forget some of their names.
We will remember them.